Okay, so I went to training week for the Special needs camp I will be work at during July and half of August. Amazing isn't even the word to describe it. This camp has the most dedicated staff I have ever seen. They literally train us on everything and anything we will have to do at this camp, down the small details. They pay for everything we are required to have if we are employed there, BCI checks, First Aid and CPR training. Not to mention all the counselors I will be working with are all just awesome people. I love meeting people that I would never go up to, but when you are basically forced to interact with people who you think are similar to you, you begin to realize you have a lot of similar qualities and you end up gaining a friendship you never thought you would have! I cannot begin to tell you how privileged I feel to be working there, and cannot wait for a life changing experience with sweet people! We had a camper talk to the entire staff and he called the camp his heaven until he reaches the real deal. This man had the most sincere voice I have ever heard, and made me, ME someone who hates crying in front of others, have tears streaming down my face. He praised this camp as a haven and that he loves being there. He stated that he felt safe there, and that he would love to be there everyday if he could until the Lord calls out his name to take him home. That is where he got me, this man was in his 50's and said he had been coming to this very camp for 30 years. They must be doing something right if someone keeps coming back repetitively like that. I loved him, and had to meet him after the Q & A session, we talked baseball and other things and he was so precious. He reminded me of my Great Grandpa Bill, he had a soft sweet voice, and just had a positive outlook on life. Oh I am just tearin' up thinking about him! I just love people like that, always being thankful for everything they have been given and always positive on what is going to become of their life, or not become! Can you tell I am getting overly excited? If you would of asked me 5 years ago if I would want to give away 6 weeks of my summer to work at a camp rather than lay out and spend time with my friends..I would of laughed and said heck no, but I don't see how someone could say that now. This place is going to physically and emotionally challenge me, but it couldn't be happening in the most perfect time in my life. =)
So here is some other news, I know I stated in my last blog that I would be moving back to Lima after next year. Well.. changed my mind. I did a lot of praying and thinking.. and more praying.. and a tad bit more thinking. I feel as if Columbus is just the right fit for me right now, I was blessed with a job that enabled me to pay bills and then some by myself and Columbus opened my life to so many opportunities, this camp being one of them. So to live their for 2 years and watching my life prosper and my spirituality grow, would just be a waste if I came back to Lima. It doesn't motivate me here, I love seeing my family and friends. But even though I am very young to be saying all these things, but something is telling me to take life into my own hands. To cut off all the strings from my parents financially and just take care of myself. I want to start my life and start saving money, and doing things I want to do. I want to be responsible and be able to sit back and be proud of everything I have worked for. So to all my friends who were excited about my return, I apologize deeply! I will still only be an hour and a half away =) I just felt like God was telling me to keep my feet in Columbus, had some deep stuff with him last week. Which reminds me something I have been wanting to blog about!!! (Can you tell I think I have ADHD? My blogs are so random!)
A prayer journal!!! I have blogged about the book "One Simple Act." Awesome book, PLEASE READ IT! The Author explains the power of generosity and simple things you can do to feel the spirit work within you, and outside of you. She mentions a prayer journal in one of her chapters and says every night or at least when you are deep in prayer to jot down some of your prayers. Then months later, or however long or short you want it to be, you go back and mark your answered prayers with a different colored pen! So you can see all the prayers God has answered and you can physically see that he does answer prayers! Yes, you will have plenty unmarked prayers, but it doesn't mean he is never going to answer then. Not all prayers are answered immediately, some may take years, decades to answer. But he eventually gets to them all, or leads you on a different path to whatever the subject is of your prayer, I just thought that was a simple little thing to remind us of his power! She explains it much more deep, I really do recommend her book it opens your eyes to a lot of different things! Loved it!
Alright I am overly tired, so you all have a great night and almost weekend! I start camp this upcoming Monday so I probably won't blog for awhile! I definitely will if something huge happens and I have the urge to write! That is usually when I blog, I just get this feeling that I have to blog about something and end up doing it! So feel free to message me about anything, I love to answer all sorts of questions! I'm always open to listen!
God Bless!
Andrea Farell <3
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